suitable for the industry combined with specific skill in business development in growth potential such as Grocery Chain Store will benefit ICUK going forwards. For the first 9 months in 2018, revenue from
derivatives broker. “Derivative exchange” means any derivative exchange licensed by the Securities and Exchange Commission. “Initial margin” means the minimum amount of asset a customer must deposit to secure
derivatives broker. “Derivative exchange” means any derivative exchange licensed by the Securities and Exchange Commission. “Initial margin” means the minimum amount of asset a customer must deposit to secure
revenue and operating profit being less, The Company’s Gross Profit Margin and Net Profit Margin were 8.86% and 1.71% respectively, represents a decrease of 32.31% and 70.80% when compared to the previous
sales volumes plus greater main raw material costs from higher crude oil price and tight market supply. However, the overall spread margin was improved and bring 23.9% gross profit margin comparing to
ยืมคงค้าง (margin loan) 5. ยอดรวมมูลค่าหลักทรัพย์ให้ยืม 6. ยอดสุทธิ free credit balance 7. ยอดรวม credit line ทั้งหมด 8. ยอดรวมทรัพย์สินส่วนเกิน (excess equity) ข้อ 2 สถานะบัญชีมาร์จิ้นตามเกณฑ์
ใหกู้ย้มืคงคำ้ง (margin loan) 5. ยอดรวมมูลค่ำหลกัทรัพยใ์หย้มื 6. ยอดสุทธิ free credit balance 7. ยอดรวม credit line ทั้งหมด 8. ยอดรวมทรัพยสิ์นส่วนเกิน (excess equity) ขอ้ 2 สถำนะบญัชีมำร์จ้ินตำมเกณฑ
profit margin was slightly brought down by 0.9% of gross profit margin due to turnaround costs and the rise of main raw material prices from tight supply plus greater crude oil prices. 2. In Q2 2018
) 15,488 -228% (44,109) -55% 3,077 -742% Margin -4% 3% -9% 1% Profit (loss) for the period (59,449) (34,287) 73% (84,511) -30% (39,917) 49% Margin -12% -6% -17% -8% Profit (loss) for the period attributable
Selling Price (THB./ton) 20,702 17,403 HRC Cash Margin (THB./Ton) 891 1,033 Unit: million Baht 30 June 2018 31 December 2017 Fin an cia l St at us Total Liabilities 5,774 5,492 Total Asset 19,743 19,546