aforementioned transactions, it is anticipated that synergies across the VGI Group’s subsidiaries and associate companies will be enhanced following the workforce integration, which may lead to potential cost
Services is the most contribute to Group Net Profit. However, there are a potential to grow other subsidiaries net profit. 3.) The Synergy Strategies will lead the group of companies to grow its performance
้ เนื่องจำกมีระยะเวลำที่บรษัิทฯตอ้งตก ลงแผนลว่งหนำ้ (Lead time) เช่น ค่ำใชจ้่ำยโฆษณำตำมสื่อต่ำงๆ อีกทัง้ในปี 2562 บรษัิทฯ ไดอ้อกสนิคำ้ใหม่จ ำนวน 10 ผลติภัณฑ ์ดงันี ้ 1. SNAILWHITE GOLD TRIPPLE LIFT SERUM 2
preserving cash flow, we ensure that we have the financial flexibility to lead, compete, and pursue growth prospect in any changing circumstances. The dividend payment shall still be made twice a year and is
caused us a longer than expected lead time to initiate, go through their approval process and list our products to the shelves based on their conditions. Even though our sales volume of energy drinks under
high bargaining power of reputable modern trade operators. These altogether caused us a longer than expected lead time to initiate, go through their approval process and list our products to the shelves
all existing products, reducing Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) and cutting off the unproductive tail of products, and developing new core assortment to reflect market trends which will lead to improved sales
future growth. The dividend policy is thus revised to a minimum 70% payout of net profit from 2017 onwards. By preserving cash flow, we ensure that we have the financial flexibility to lead, compete, and
manner of price-dumping and unfair trade and finally will lead to the enforcement of Anti-Dumping or Safeguard measures. The world steel production capacity utilization ratio of the 67 countries in
setting of energy drink market as well as the relatively high bargaining power of reputable modern trade operators that these altogether could cause us a longer than expected lead time to initiate, go