because all 3 power plants namely JKR, RPV will no longer eligible to receive supporting fund or Adder in the amount of 8 Baht from 14 October 2020 onward and LS will no longer eligible to receive
purchasing power. However, from Sep-21 onward, restrictions were gradually lifted, resulting in some improvement in consumer spending. Meanwhile, competition in mobile industry remained elevated as operators
stated, is in accordance with the investment policies of the Company is allowing the Company to invest in several subsidiaries and associated companies to advocate the Company in providing various
recommendations in the Principles will apply but others may be less relevant. We also acknowledge different investment strategies, for example as employed by passive or active funds, and advocate that shareholders
future growth and a past earnings string does not exist in long horizon, i.e. four years ahead onward. It plays down a growth-based explanation for MBEB incidence but raise a vital role of fundamentals in
actual implementation of various projects will likely start from 2019 onward. Nevertheless, downside risks to exports likely stem from international trade disputes, particularly between the US and China
edit the document which will be submitted to the government agencies or the other relevant agencies. (D) Perform any other tasks that the attorney view as necessary and appropriately to complete the
person to sign on the letter notifying the SEC of the name of the company secretary and the document storage location? A: Yes, preferably attached with the power of attorney. In any case, the previous one
ยีดเพิม่เตมิ (ถำ้ม)ี หนว่ยงำนภำครฐัผูอ้อกเอกสำร 1) (กรณีนติบิคุคลตา่งประเทศ) Power of Attorney ฉบบัจรงิ 1 ฉบับ ส ำเนำ 1 ฉบับ หมำยเหต ุ(- สง่ส ำเนำผำ่นระบบอเิล็กทรอนกิสข์องส ำนักงำน ก.ล.ต. - สง่เอกสำร
person to sign on the letter notifying the SEC of the name of the company secretary and the document storage location? A: Yes, preferably attached with the power of attorney. In any case, the previous one