Lapin” Source of Fund Working Capital which will not impact on liquidity and cash 2 flow of the Company Expected Benefit 1. To expand Business Opportunity in retail business 2. To earn an investment
) Mr. Sanan Eksangkul 2) Ms. Petcharat Eksangkul 3) Mr. Sanit Eksangkul 4) Mr. Wichai Eksangkul 5) Ms. Sirinun Eksangkul 6. Source of fund The fund is from the company’s working capital 7. Interested
purpose of both investment and working capital. The aforementioned transaction is in accordance to Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board No. Tor Chor. 20/2551 “Rules on Entering into Material
conditions stated therein. The proposed sell-down of the Units is strictly a f inancing exercise to fund, amongst other things, working capital needs and to pay the Company’s indebtedness and liabilit ies
stated therein. The sale price was determined through a book building process. The proposed sell-down of the Units is strictly a financing exercise to fund, amongst other things, working capital needs and
Directors: 1) Mr. Jonathan Maxwell Wigley 2) Ms. Nopparat Pongwatanakulsiri 3) Mr. Rupert Thomas Simoner Source of funds: Cash from the working capital In this regards, as a result of the transaction, VHA
. Shop Channel Global Co., Ltd. 42.86% 4. Sumitomo Corporation Thailand Co., Ltd. 14.28% 7. Funding source : The Company’s working capital 8. General description of connected transaction Type of
99.99% of registered capital held by the Company Establishment objective : To support the Hotel Management Agreement business Funding source used : Working capital of the Company The establishment of this
mindset and efficiency. ?We are not just keeping pace with global changes; we are enhancing market potential to foster product innovations and business competitiveness, which are two major objectives of the
mindset and efficiency. ?We are not just keeping pace with global changes; we are enhancing potential to foster product innovations and business competitiveness, which are two major objectives of the SEC