expenses in Q1, 2018 came from the payment to financial consulting, expenses from the extraordinary general shareholder’s meeting and extra cost from specific capital increase in January 2018. 5. Management
offer at Baht 317,860,000, as approved by the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2018, which was held on 28 February 2018, the Company has tried to proceed with the tender offer for the
. 2.4 Extra expenses incurred in this quarter amounted to Baht 372.33 million 2.4.1The extraordinary expenses incurred in this quarter were provision for doubtful accounts of short-term loans amounting to
joint venture investment. Therefore, there is uncertainty in the value of the investment in the project which is expected to be finalized before the Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders No.1/2018
Payment of Corporate Guarantee fee for the relating company (RPT) To: The Managing Director The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) According to the Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting of Phuket Fantasea Public
extraordinary item from the sale of unused land of Baht 46.31 million and the provision for employee retirement benefits from 300 to 400 days of Baht 18.87 million had not been included, the net profit of the
(increased by 0.9 percent from Q2/2019) due to certain extraordinary expenses incurred during the same period of the previous year. The company has the administrative expenses for the first nine month in total
Date of EGM 1/2020 (Revise) Dear Directors and Managers Stock of Exchange of Thailand Attachment 1. Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2020 2. Information Regarding the Asset Acquisition
firm executives against whom the SEC files a criminal complaint as person of untrustworthy characteristics, active participation of minority shareholders in Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
การให้สิทธิผู้ถือหุ้นผ่าน AGM มากขึ้นแล้วก็ตาม แต่การให้สิทธิผู้ถือหุ้นผ่านการจัดประชุมจะไม่ได้มีแต่เพียง AGM เท่านั้น บจ. ยังต้องคำนึงถึงการให้ความสำคัญกับการประชุมผู้ถือหุ้นวิสามัญ (Extraordinary