the years, SET and our allies have consolidated our efforts on multiple fronts, including continuous communication and warning alerts to the public. The introduction of the SEC's Investment Scam Hotline
ongoing obligation to comply with the order of the SEC Office or the Stock Exchange under Section 58 or Section 199 in conjunction with Section 58, as the case may be. (3) the directors and executives shall
defining issue of our time. As part of our ongoing attempts to recover from the pandemic, all of us should take this opportunity to build back a greener and more sustainable socioeconomic system that is not
according to the changes in the additional legal severance pay rates for employees who have worked for an uninterrupted period of 20 years or more, with such employees entitled to receive not less than 400
additional legal severance pay rates for employees who have worked for an uninterrupted period of 20 years or more, with such employees entitled to receive not less than 400 days’ compensation at the latest
project financing requests that could have adverse impacts on the environment and society. Business units are responsible for continuous and active management of all relevant risk exposure to be in line
quarter of 2017 showing a decrease of Baht 4.76 million or representing 7.46 % decrease since there have been only 6 ongoing projects whereas a subsidiary had 1 additional ongoing project with its contract
ongoing project and expected to be completed in 2019. As a result, the construction income gained in this captioned year was higher than last year. There is no any new project awarded in 2019. . Service
ongoing fundamental improvement in the industry Core EPS of THB 3.27, delivers increase for the 17th consecutive quarter Operating Cash Flow of $941 million, helps strengthen balance sheet and fund
. Revenue from sale of electricity rose by 1.57% QoQ as a result of ongoing repair and maintenance of the overall power generator which gradually improve power supply capacity and escalate power to grid