Nation Multimedia Group Public Co., Ltd. 1858/121-122, 1858/125-128 28th, 30th, 31st Floor, Debaratna Road, Bangna-Tai Sub-District, Bangna District, Bangkok 10260 Tel: 0-2-338-3333 Call Center: 0-2338-3000 Fax: 0-2338-3334 25 May 2020 Subject : Notification on Resolution of the Board of Directors’ Meeting No. 6/2020, Change of Directors and Directors’ Power, Entering into Disposal of Assets Transaction, and Acquisition of Assets Transaction To : Director and Manager The Stoc...
appraiser approved by the SEC Office; (b) in case of investment in a foreign real estate, being a person on the list of persons eligible to appraise the real estate as provided by an authority or the
; and to survey, study, research, analyze, and examine engineering materials and tools; and to design, evaluate, conclude, report, and control an operation in various development projects regarding
บริษทั ไฮโดรเท็ค จ ำกดั 71. Conducting a business in providing a technical or academic service; and to survey, study, research, analyze, and examine engineering materials and tools; and to design, evaluate
tools; and to design, evaluate, conclude, report, and control an operation in various development projects regarding architecture, every branches of engineering which are civil engineering, structural
instruments in order to enable the users of financial statements to evaluate how significant financial instruments may impact the financial position and performance. TFRS9 Pack will have a broad impact on Thai
shares presented by the IFA, the selected method to evaluate the price is Discounted Cash flows due to its consideration of the previous performance, the company’s operation in present and future, thus
group to evaluate the business potential of installing the solar panels on the rooftop in the rest of PTT’s petrol stations. • Energy Storage System GPSC has foreseen the change and disruption in the
instruments, financial instruments as liabilities or equity and for offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities. Disclosure requirement that enable the users of financial statements to evaluate how
analysis of such information; (b) evaluate the value of the principal asset at least in accordance with the provisions as prescribed in Clause 18; (c) In case the REIT will invest in the leasehold interest