manage liquidity of fixed income funds and mixed funds that invest at least 60 percent of the net asset value in debt securities. The limit for such transactions is increased from 10 percent to 30
financial advisor (IFA) that the transactions are not reasonable as fair value of AJP share should range between 13.60 ? 14.00 baht per share. Hence, the total value of AJP shares to be issued will exceed the
connected to the internet when conducting transactions only (cold wallet) less than 90 percent of the customer's total digital asset value and did not deposit customers' digital assets with digital
Shareholders No. 1/2018, held on 28 February 2018, whereby the “basis price” used for the tender is Baht 14.84 million, which is the price close to the appraised market value. The Company has attempted to
consideration 3. Approved the appropriate price range of the value of assets disposal according to opinion of an Independent Financial Advisor in a total of 1,636.50 - 1,684.50 million baht and set criteria for
transaction to complete the disposal of the subsidiaries’ assets of not exceeding to 1,200 million Baht for the Company. The total value of the 2 agreements were 14,000 million Baht. The summary of significant
55,431,700 by issuing 154,317 new ordinary shares with a par value of Baht 100 per share, in order to enhance KTMS’s business potential. The Board of Directors approved a resolution to subscribe for the newly
$ +,". 1.3 #3!41E3"./''(.0 #!) 1'#%I 2. FX/Gold-linked ( 1 !4 # !.+,""'+3 S3 % 6' +6 ." +""'+3 S$ % $# !.&'(&+)""'+3 S3 % 6' +6 . !"'+3 S +,". 2 replacement cost . marked to market value ( !0 '!(+) + / 02
of the highest value when calculated from 12-month period net profit criteria consideration based on the latest reviewed consolidated financial statement ended March 31, 2020 which equals to 32.52% and
. 2547 (2004) dated 29 October 2004 (as amended) (the “Notification of Acquisition or Disposal of Assets”). The highest transaction value equals to 39.91 percent based on a total value of consideration