the matter of transparency, inspection, check and balance and efficiency of the corporate governance. In this regard, the Company shall describe the following matters: 7.2.1 The composition of the Board
efficiency, financial discipline, and transparency in its regulation and decision making for public interest. 3. Abolishment of SET monopoly status would create a more competitive environment, contributing to
through transparency and fairness Content Message from the Chairman Message from the Secretary-General SEC Board Capital Market Supervisory Board Executives Organizational Structure SEC Governance
สนับสนุนให้ สำนักงำนสอบบัญชีจัดทำรำยงำนควำมโปร่งใส (transparency report) เพ่ือเปิดเผยข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับ โครงสร้ำงของสำนักงำนสอบบัญชี ระบบกำรกำกับดูแลกิจกำร นโยบำย และระบบควบคุมคุณภำพ งำนสอบบัญชีให้แก่ลูกค้ำและ
ขององค์กรควรมีส่วนหนึ่งท่ีสะท้อนคุณลักษณะของการกากับดูแลกิจการที่ดี เช่น ความรบัผดิชอบในผลการกระทา (accountability) ความเท่ียงธรรม (integrity) ความโปร่งใส (transparency) ความเอาใจใส่ (due consideration
community. - Corporate Governance Strategy: EGCO will conduct its business management with good corporate governance representing the key indicator of the efficiency, fairness, transparency and responsibility
plan. However, for absolute transparency and clarity in disclosing information to the Stock Exchange of Thailand (the “SET”) and the shareholders of the Company, the Company has decided to disclose the
Company without having expressed any intention to restructure the Company’s debt under the aforementioned debt restructuring plan. However, for absolute transparency and clarity in disclosing information to
level of the Company and subsidiaries to be consciousness and values in working with honesty, transparency, clarity and verifiability without any actions constitute to corruption directly and indirectly
continuous demeanors, etc. Clause 29 In order to ensure that the exercising discretion of the SEC Office is transparency and due process, prior to notifying suspension or revocation order of approval of an