1 (-Translation-) Ref. No. IRS.025/2019 October 31, 2019 Subject Acquisition of Shares in Hello Bangkok LED Co, Ltd., which is an Assets Acquisition Transaction of the Company, Issuance and Offering of the Newly Issued Ordinary Shares of the Company through a Private Placement which is a Connected Transaction, Capital Reduction, Capital Increase, Entering into the Right to Sell Advertising Media Agreement which is a Connected Transaction, Appointment of the Independent Financial Advisor and Call...
restoration work. 9. Contract for pipe laying in Phuket KBA Service Limited Partnership GS January 3, 2018 Within 120 days after the start of the contract Laying 900mm pipe to send tap water in T.Mai-Khao
pipe to send raw water in Phang-Nga and Phuket. Labor and material cost 2000Baht per meter including total restoration work. 9. Contract for pipe laying in Phuket KBA Service Limited Partnership GS
steel pipe to send raw water in Phang-Nga and Phuket. Labor and material cost 2000Baht per meter including total restoration work. 9. Contract for pipe laying in Phuket KBA Service Limited Partnership GS
media; (4) in the case that a prolonged period of backup retention is required, consideration shall be taken for the method of data restoration in the future, for example, if the data is kept in a
period of backup retention is required, consideration shall be taken for the method of data restoration in the future, for example, if the data is kept in a particular form of media, equipment and software
1% higher coal consumption. • Maintenance cost increased by THB 19 million mainly due to GE Phase 5 replacement and repair costs. Cost of sales of goods and rendering of services of SPP business in Q3
underwent renovation to increase throughput per station, and stations that are performing beneath target are still being close down. 4. The company’s retail sales volume remains in the 2nd place and continues
ทรัลพลำซำ พระรำม 3 ภำยหลังจำกกำร ปรับปรุงใหญ่เมื่อปีทีผ่่ำนมำ ไดก้ำรตอบรับเป็นอยำ่งด ี การเปิดใหบ้รกิารบางสว่น (Soft opening) ของเซ็นทรลัพลาซา พระราม 3 ซึง่ไดท้ ำ กำรปรับปรุงใหญ่ (Major Renovation) เสร็จ
development projects including the expansion of the U-Tapao International Airport and its development into an aviation center and maintenance repair and overhaul (MRO) hub, high- speed railways to connect three