strengthen the company's Omnichannel competencies in order to be Thailand’s Omni Channel department store. - Hardline business: DIY has grown and recovered relatively well thanks to work from home trend in
baht compare with performance for same period of the prior year appear as comprehensive operating income 2.90 million baht, increase in net income from same period of the prior year 0.71 million baht or
Baht, a decrease of 87.66 million Baht from the same quarter last year which was equal to 165.55 million Baht, representing a decrease of 52.95 percent, of which the total decrease in revenue mainly came
หัวข้อในการอบรม “การใช้งานรถฟอร์คลิฟท์อย่างถูกวิธีและการบำรุงรักษาเบื้องต้น” August 13, 2019. Subject : Clarification of performance difference of the 2nd quarter for the year 2019 from the same
ชี้แจงผลQ1_61_en_V3 (Translation) May 15, 2018 Subject : Clarification of performance difference of the 1st quarter for the year 2018 from the same period of last year The explanation for Company’s
หัวข้อในการอบรม “การใช้งานรถฟอร์คลิฟท์อย่างถูกวิธีและการบำรุงรักษาเบื้องต้น” August 14, 2018. Subject Clarification of performance difference of the 2nd quarter for the year 2018 from the same period
, increased by THB1.91 million from the same period of last year, or about 27.22% increase, and recorded net loss of THB164.23 million, compared to the net loss of THB35.28 million from the same period of last
The Company’s operating result for the 1st half year of 2020, the company has revenue from sales Baht 616.5 million, decrease from the same period of last year at 29.4%. Gross profit margin is equal to
of Baht 17.45 million, an increase of Baht 18.08 million from the same period last year. This was a result of major items as follows: 1. Profits from insurance in this quarter increased from the same
decreased from the same period of last year by 12.89 million baht or 82.20 % in the same period of prior year, mainly results from; 1. Revenues from sales and services increased by Baht 35.53 million