costs for SMEs and startups low, SEC plans to make use of technology by requiring SMEs and startups to file financial reports through a mobile application. In addition, half-yearly and annual financial
via mobile phone. A smart model has been created for analysis of customer data in terms of financial behaviors and lifestyles to facilitate our clients in gaining access to loan anytime as desired. The
Plan. Of note was enhancement of the K PLUS SHOP application to make it more convenient for merchants to receive payment via QR code linked to mobile banking of other banks, or via e-Wallet, to help
Pages Business contributes 7% and 6% of consolidated revenue, respectively. 3. Voice Info Services & Mobile Content Business (Voice & Mobile Content) This business comprisesVoice Info Services Segment and
E_1 Legal_FA_2015_12_29-c A WWCCoorrppLL44..11hhiigg A Executive Summary 1 Management Discussion and Analysis For the Year Ended December 31, 2017 In 2017, Thai economic growth gained traction, buoyed by strong recoveries in tourism and exports. This growth momentum is expected to carry on into 2018, especially amid a brighter outlook in public and private investment. Nonetheless, the business sector remained challenged by new modes of competition in a broader marketplace amid the advancing digi...
ปฏิบัติงำนท่ีมีกำรใช้อุปกรณ์เคลื่อนท่ี (mobile device) เพื่อเข้ำถึงระบบสำรสนเทศภำยในองค์กร และกำรปฏิบัติงำนจำกภำยนอกบริษัท (teleworking) 3.1 กรณีพนักงานท าการเชื่อมต่อ remote access จากที่บ้าน ผู้ประกอบ
than mobile top-up service. With more than 130,000 kiosk covering nationwide, along with service agents over the country, either in the city or upcountry. Resulting in easily and conveniently access for
register via SMS or AEON Thai Mobile Application or website in order to redeem the premiums and vouchers, “AEON Shop Smart” campaign, and cash back campaign. In September 2019, the Company launched Visa
ไรจากการด าเนินงาน 30.6 ลา้นบาท โดยรายไดห้ลกัๆ มาจากการจดังาน “Thailand Mobile EXPO 2019” มหกรรมโทรศพัท์มอืถอืที่ใหญ่ที่สุดในประเทศโดยได้จดัที่สถานที่แห่งใหม่ เป็นปีแรก คอืที่ศูนย์นิทรรศการและการประชุม
existing business partners to increase customer base. - Loans In the fiscal year 2016, loans shared 40% of total turnovers (shared 22% from personal loan and 18% from purposed loan for mobile phone, IT