money from the bank to another bank, payment for commodities, services and loans, cheque status checking, stop cheque, account status checking, fund information checking, and fund purchasing. 3.3 LH Bank
money from the bank to another bank, payment for commodities, services and loans, cheque status checking, stop cheque, account status checking, fund information checking, and fund purchasing. 3.3 LH Bank
account and transfer money from the bank to another bank, payment for commodities, services and loans, cheque status checking, stop cheque, account status checking, fund and insurance information checking
temporary closing most parts of the shopping mall to stop the COVID-19 outbreak. Enable tenant remedy measurement who affected and take care employees thoroughly Cost effective management and the review of
รูปแบบในกำร ขยำยสำขำ โดยคดิคน้คอนเซปต์ใหม ่เพื่อเปน็กำร ให้บริกำรแบบจุดเดียว (One-Stop Service) รวมถงึลดภำระตน้ทนุบำงส่วน ซ่ึงเป็นกำรน ำร้ำนที่ มีอยู ่มำรวมกัน เช่น ร้ำนขนมหวำน After You ร้ำนกำแฟมิกก้ำ
UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATION Readers should be aware that only the original Thai text has legal force and that this English translation is strictly for reference. Notification of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission No. Sor Nor. 87/2558 Re: Rules, Conditions, and Procedures for Management of Retail Funds, Mutual Funds for Accredited Investors, Mutual Funds for Institutional Funds, and Private Funds ______________________ By virtue of Clause 6, Clause 8, and Clause 9 of the Notification...
conditions under 6) of this information memorandum have been fulfilled whereas the obligations of the Company owed to the Mahachai Group as mentioned above will cease after the Company has repaid the debts
the reestablishment of US sanctions of Iran, as well as demanding for other countries to cease crude product imports from Iran; the sanction had been in place for 90 days since it began, this resulted
Subsidiary, having voting right equivalent to 44.19 percent of total voting rights of the Subsidiary and thus, the Subsidiary will cease to be a subsidiary of the Company and JMT will hold 4.92 percent of
Clause 45; Clause 28. An approval for an offer for sale of newly issued short- term sukuk in the form of program shall cease upon occurrence of the following circumstances. (1) the asset trustee or the