million metric tons, increasing 18.36% compared to the same period of previous year. The consumption of finished steel products in Thailand in Q3/2017 was at 4.16 million metric tons, decreasing 6.46
consolidated revenues were 15,597 million baht, decreasing of 700 million baht or 4% y-y. The decreased income was a result of the Bank of Thailand cut the ceiling rates of interest rates on credit card from 18
February 28, 2022, the total consolidated revenues were 20,791 million baht, decreasing of 510 million baht or 2% y-y. The decreased in revenues was a result of overseas operating result that were affected
Bt15,880mn. Marketing expenses were Bt4,310mn, decreasing -12% YoY with limited marketing activities. Admin & other expenses dropped -14% YoY to Bt11,570mn. As a result, EBITDA in 9M21 increased by 2% YoY
for the first time in 20 years. Gasoline / Dubai crack spread (UNL95/DB) in Q4/2018 was 4.92 $/BBL. When compared to Q3/2018 decreased by 6.60 $/BBL as a result of consecutively dwindling demand during
year 2018, in line with decreasing revenue from commerce. 7. Distribution cost For the year 2019 and 2018, the Company had selling expenses of 11.7 million Baht and 20.5 million Baht, respectively
compared to the prior year. It resulted from the declining of revenues and the increasing of administrative expenses. Net profit margin to total revenues was at 2.9%. Revenues The structure of revenues for
from the same period of last year at 16.83% due to the declining in sales but the Company still had fixed cost. Moreover, the depreciation was higher from machine acquisition and plant and equipment
company. • Declining in account receivable and lower stock policy -- to be in lined with market condition – are main reasons of lower in Bank overdraft and short-term loan from financial institution account
/2019), due to the declining number of Chinese tourists visiting Thailand by more than 90 percent after the Chinese New Year festival, closure of certain stores, restricted commute to crowded areas and