benefit expenses For Quarter 2 of the year 2020, the management benefit was 3.24 million baht compare to 3.77 million baht, decrease by 0.53 million or 14.06% decreased because the company had adjust the
decreased from Q2–2019. This is because several projects in Q2–2020 were affected by the ongoing outbreak of COVID–19, forcing many customers to adjust their working method which have an effect on the
the sale volume decreased from the government’s policy to adjust the biodiesel mandatory. However, the average selling price of Glycerine was increased, resulting the increased in the performance from
manager Manager Senior Junior Expert in........ Expert in........ Total * The Audit Firm may adjust the details of its position structure by identifying each sublevel of position (if any). ** Specify the
manager Manager Senior Junior Expert in........ Expert in........ Total * The Audit Firm may adjust the details of its position structure by identifying each sublevel of position (if any). ** Specify the
Board of Directors Meeting No. 4/2017, the Board of Directors passed a resolution to adjust the principal business policy to real estate development. Later, the company expanded its property development
Partnership As Hidden Price in Feasibility Study Review and adjust price to ensure meeting GHG reduction target Apply Carbon Price in Investment Decision Process per ton CO2e Clean & Green Strategic Direction
as a deposit for assets and machinery for share payment. Eco has use the deposit as capital injection. However, the agreement has been terminated on 24th May 2019. Eco has to adjust the transaction by
Purchaser also agreed to adjust the Enterprise Value by the amount of cash, interest-bearing liabilities and actual net working capital of the Targets as at the Completion Date under the terms and method
Company also complies with the Bank of Thailand to provide the relief measurements to assist our customers by reducing minimum payment for credit card and personal loan as well as providing a grace period