result, the average ARPU from October 2017 has continued to increase. In addition, the company has offered new services and marketing promotion champagne to boost usage amount through Bonnterm kiosk
with the second quarter of 2017 increased from THB 35.59 million to THB 48.22million or increased THB 12.63 million or 35.49% because the Company use more cost of promotion and advertising of aforesaid
. The company had increased distribution costs of Baht 85.43 million or 64.67% due to the company changing the sales management structure with distributor. The company is responsible for marketing and
%, mainly due to decreasing of advertising and promotion expenses by Baht 7.83 million because in this year, the Company focuses on internal marketing by creating customer satisfaction. Administrative
card expenses and advertising and promotion expenses including the strictly cost control. In addition, the TFRS #16 impact, partial rental expenses are recorded in financial cost. 6. Administrative
from Event 0.38 10.03 9.65 2,539.47% Advertising and marketing expenses 3.19 8.22 5.03 157.68% Others 0.30 1.53 1.23 410.00% Selling and service expenses 3.87 19.78 15.91 411.11% For the first six months
from Event 0.38 10.03 9.65 2,539.47% Advertising and marketing expenses 3.19 8.22 5.03 157.68% Others 0.30 1.53 1.23 410.00% Selling and service expenses 3.87 19.78 15.91 411.11% For the first six months
marketing promotion activities of mobile operators after the consolidation within the industry became clear. In addition, the Company had gross profit from digital content of THB 18.91 million, increased by
content 2. Digital solutions 3. Advertising. The details of Services income and Gross profit are as follows: Services income and Gross profit by segment Unit: THB Million 3Q2023 3Q2024 Inc.(Dec.) % Inc.(Dec
revenues, events promotion and online content production. When deducted with the total cost of THB 33.70 million which consisted of cost of Media- advertising of THB 21.41 million and selling cost of THB