from financial institutions of 5,287 million Baht, the remaining amount of debenture is 2,310 million Baht, long-term loans from financial institutions – net of current portion of 2,613 million Baht
(derivative warrant) หุนกูอนุพันธ (structured debenture) ใบแสดงสทิธิใน ผลประโยชนที่เกิดจากหลักทรัพยอางอิง (depository receipt) ใบแสดงสิทธิในการซื้อหุนเพิ่มทนุที ่ โอนสิทธิได (transferable subscription
increased equivalent to 21.50 percent causing by the addition of outstanding debenture issuing and offering in February 2018 at the amount of Baht 699.90 million later in March and July of the year 2019 at
Debenture amounted Baht 3,999.0 million, and Borrowings from Financial Institutions amounted Baht 999.2 million. Shareholders’ Equity As of 31 March 2020, Total Shareholders’ Equity was Baht 12,163.7 million
the issuance of debenture and the withdrawal of loan in the net amount of Baht 4,523 Million for company liquidity during COVID-19 situation, dividend and interest payment in the amount of Baht 2,338
convertible debenture. Liquidity and capital adequacy As at 31 March 2020 and 31 December 2019, the current ratio of the Company and its subsidiaries are 2.28 times and 1.47 times, respectively, and the quick
portion of long-term borrowings was 46,122 million baht or represented 71% of total borrowings. To manage risk that might occur from the fluctuation in currency and interest rate of long-term a debenture in
the quality of balance sheets and action undertaken with the listed company: Shareholders or debenture holders Directors or executives of the listed company or the company filing for the IPO and related
หุ้นรองรับ ( เสนอขายหุ้นกู้แปลงสภาพ (convertible debenture : “CD”) และหุ้นรองรับ2 วันที่เสนอขาย ________________________ วันที่ออก warrant / CD ____________ จำนวนหลักทรัพย์ที่เสนอขาย ____________ ราคา
the Company issued convertible securities such as warrant and convertible debenture, describe the significant characteristics of such securities. For example, type, maturity, interest rate, convertible