DuraFiber will align with IVL’s strategy of pursuing accretive growth opportunities in the high value-added segment and complement with the current HVA tire cord fabric products and will open up the
ASK of the Company showed at 13.2 percent when compared to the same period of 2016. In July 2017, the Company has operated flight service from Samui – Chongqing for 3 flights per week, and added seat
believe we could recover all sales in 2H2018. The Company’s High-Value Added fibers business continued to gain momentum from macro-industrial trends, like composites, light-weighting and a focus on personal
believe we could recover all sales in 2H2018. The Company’s High-Value Added fibers business continued to gain momentum from macro-industrial trends, like composites, light-weighting and a focus on personal
ีแอพพลายด ์ไซเอ็นซ ์จ ากัด” เพือ่หาทางเพิม่รายไดใ้หเ้กษตรกรและเป็นการ เพิม่ความมั่นคงดา้นการจัดหาวตัถดุบิของบรษัิทฯ โดยมุง่พัฒนาสนิคา้และนวตักรรมตา่งๆทีม่มีูลคา่เพิม่สงู (High Value Added Products : HVA
ภาษีอ่ืนใดที่เก่ียวของแลว (Including Value Added Tax, Specific Business Tax and Relevant Tax (if any)) ** คาจดหมายขาว , สารประชาสัมพันธ , รายงานประจําป และอื่น ๆ (Newsletter&Leaflet&Annual&ETC.) เป
funds is added with provident fund, the company will have net asset value as of 30 June 2018 totaled Baht 65,281.1 million, which is from private fund totaled Baht 6,720.5 million and provident fund
has added net PET capacity of 1.1 million tons through acquisitions of plants in Brazil and Egypt, and another 1.1 million tons of PTA through Rotterdam expansion and acquisition of Artlant PTA in
funds is added with provident fund, the company will have net asset value as of 30 June 2018 totaled Baht 65,281.1 million, which is from private fund totaled Baht 6,720.5 million and provident fund
Value Added Tax, Specific Business Tax and Relevant Tax (if any)) ** คาธรรมเนียมผูดูแลผลประโยชน (Trustee Fee) เปนจํานวนเงิน 8.03 บาท (หนวย : พันบาท) หรือคิดเปนรอยละ 0.008 ของมูลคาทรัพยสินสุทธิ ค