-TREK will have to change from the financial reporting standards for Non-Publicly Accountable Entities (NPAEs) to the financial reporting standards for Publicly Accountable Entities (PAEs), and due to
, regarding which S-TREK will have to change from the financial reporting standards for Non-Publicly Accountable Entities (NPAEs) to the financial reporting standards for Publicly Accountable Entities (PAEs
the agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2019 and/or change of the record date to determine the list of shareholders entitled to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting of
the agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2019 and/or change of the record date to determine the list of shareholders entitled to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting of
the agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2019 and/or change of the record date to determine the list of shareholders entitled to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting of
the agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2019 and/or change of the record date to determine the list of shareholders entitled to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting of
reversing the industry trend, increased by 12.8 percent which equivalent to THB 6,391 million. (Enclosure 4) 5 In the recent years, advertising industry has remarkably change in respect of people’s lifestyle
รา้งผลตอบแทนและสง่ผลกระทบเชงิบวกตอ่โลกและสงัคมควบคูก่นัไปกบัการดําเนนิธรุกจิดว้ย นอกจากนี้ หากเป็นการลงทนุในกลุม่อตุสาหกรรมทีไ่ดป้ระโยชนจ์ากการเปลีย่นแปลงเชงิโครงสรา้ง (Structural Change) ทีเ่กีย่วขอ้
the sukuk trustee is changed under the trust instrument or the governing law, the asset trustee shall notify such change to sukuk holders within the period of time as specified in the trust instrument
on the displayed list, the intermediary shall update the list within 14 days as from the date of such change. Clause 22 An intermediary shall report the SEC Office in writing in case there is a certain