trading day The Board of Directors Meeting of the Company No.13/2018 held on October 5, 2018 has approved the Loan for SUTG at the amount of THB 17,5000,000 with interest rate of around 7.75%, revolving
trading day The Board of Directors Meeting of the Company No.13/2018 held on October 5, 2018 has approved the Loan for SUTG at the amount of THB 17,5000,000 with interest rate of around 7.75%, revolving
trading day The Board of Directors Meeting of the Company No.13/2018 held on October 5, 2018 has approved the Loan for SUTG at the amount of THB 17,5000,000 with interest rate of around 7.75%, revolving
position, most of them are temporary differences relating to past differences in interest income for accounting and tax for purposes until December 11, 2019 ( the last day that the Company was not subject to
May 2020 (including such date) (the “Debt Acknowledgement Letter”), totaling Baht 85,596,240.05, which is due and payable within seven business day from the date of completion of share acquisition (“the
บทสรุปผู้บริหารของรายงานคำอธิบายและการวิเคราะห์ของฝ่ายจัดการ ก ik ก บทสรุปผู้บริหารของรายงานค าอธิบายและการวิเคราะห์ของฝ่ายจัดการ1 ส าหรับปีสิน้สุดวันท่ี 31 ธันวาคม 2561 ในปี 2561 ภาวะเศรษฐกิจไทยยงัรักษาระดบัภาพรวมการเติบโตได้อย่างต่อเนื่อง จากแรงขบัเคลื่อนหลกัในภาค การสง่ออกและการทอ่งเที่ยวที่ขยายตวัสงูโดยเฉพาะในช่วงคร่ึงแรกของปี ขณะที่ภาครัฐยงัคงมีมาตรการสง่เสริมและสร้าง ความเข้มแข็งให้กบัเศรษฐกิจในประเทศ ด้วยการสนบัสนนุการลงทนุและการใช้จ่ายภาคเอกชนรวมถึงการกระจายโอกาส ไปยงัภาคเศรษฐกิจต่าง ๆ อ...
Suvarnabhumi Airport offering more than 130 shops serving both local and tourist customers. After formal opening, an average traffic reached more than 17,000 visitors per day. The first phase accounted for
within 1 year as from the date of disposing of such principal asset. Clause 30 This Notification shall come into force as from 1 January 2013. Notified this 21st day of November 2012. -Signature- (Vorapol
UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATION Readers should be aware that only the original Thai text has legal force, and that this English translation is strictly for reference. Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board No. Tor Jor. 61/2561 Re: Offer for Sale of Debt Securities of Thai Government Agencies _________________ By virtue of Section 16/6 of the Securities and Exchange Act, B.E. 2535 (1992), as amended by the Securities and Exchange Act (No.4), B.E. 2551 (2008) and Section 35, Section 40(11), S...
Microsoft Word - Tor Jor 63-2561 Baht Bond 111261 (UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATION) Readers should be aware that only the original Thai text has legal force and that this English translation is strictly for reference. - ราง - Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board No. Tor Jor. 63/2561 Re: Approval Rules on Offer for Sale of Newly Issued Bond of Foreign Entity Denominated in Thai Baht ______________________ By virtue of Section 16/6 of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992), as am...