difference of gold prices in the financial statements for Q3/2010 and record the estimated damages arising from breach of agreement on gold delivery in the financial statements in the year 2010.? THL ?s
deemed a breach of duties and professional codes of conduct. Earlier, the SEC disseminated a circular urging investor contacts, branch managers and securities company management to ban unregulated
a breach of contract as an amount of Baht 94,474.27 and interest until the payment is fully made. Subsequently, on 5 September, 2018, Mr. Noppadol sold 2,000,000 TRUE shares by using such inside
: www.mpf.co.id, www.ascotfx.com and www.maxglobalbullion.com.From the SEC?s finding, these firms operated a derivatives business without license or registration with the SEC, in violation of Section 16 of the
orders where the purchase were initially paid by her family's money and later by her own money.Using client's account to trade securities for her own benefits was in violation to the Notifications of
behalf of clients were in violation of the Notifications of Capital Market Supervisory Board concerning personnel in the capital market*, the SEC therefore suspended {A} from her duty as the approved
behalf of client and seeking benefits from the client during the performance of duties were in violation of the Notifications of Capital Market Supervisory Board concerning personnel in the capital market
of debenture without approval in violation of Section 33 and subject to the penalties under Section 268 of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992) (SEA); meanwhile, Ornpaphat and Kanyakorn
approval from the SEC was in violation of Section 33 and subject to the penalties under Section 268 of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992) (SEA). The Criminal Fining Committee therefore has
the inside information were liable to violation of Section 241 of the Securities and Exchange Act (SEA) B.E. 2535. Meanwhile, Somsak and Areeya, as aiders and abettors of Pittaya and Athueck, were in