past, so it can not sell the products according to the sales plan. From such factors. As a result, the Company has set aside allowance for diminution in value of defective and slow moving goods to Baht
% over the same period as last year. The increase in the overall gross profit margin was mainly driven by the Baht 73.39 million reversal of provision for obsolete and slow- moving inventory which was a
million baht, 22.22 percent compared to the same period last year. Due to the allowance for diminution in value of deteriorated and slow moving goods In the amount of Baht 37.50 million 3. Increase in
million baht, 22.22 percent compared to the same period last year. Due to the allowance for diminution in value of deteriorated and slow moving goods In the amount of Baht 37.50 million 3. Increase in
expansion of LCL causing the higher number of employees and moving office to support expansion which leads to the expenses derived from such move and the former improvement disposal costs. In this regard, the
obsolete and slow-moving inventory in first quarter of 2019, the increase in house brand revenue contribution in conjunction with the company’s strategy, the increase in the gross profit margin of house
as the Labor Protection Act (No. 7) B.E. 2562 and has set aside loss on devaluation of obsolete, defective and slow-moving inventories so on. Net Profit and Net Profit Margin For the year ended
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=system_name%3ASEC_News&start=450&rows=10 451 - 460 of 461 results Sort by: Relevance Date (Newest) Date (Oldest) ASEAN Capital Markets Forum: Moving forward in propelling transition towards sustainable capital
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