used in overseas via ATM machines and UnionPay International shop members covered many countries around the world. 4. Other services 4.1 Cash Management Service is a financial service to support the
and UnionPay International shop members covered many countries around the world. 4. Other services 4.1 Cash Management Service is a financial service to support the financial management that is
International shop members covered many countries around the world. 4. Other services 4.1 Cash Management Service is a financial service to support the financial management that is convenient and fast, reduces
เมื่อไม่นำนมำนี้บริษัทฯ ได้เปิดตัวร้ำนให้บริกำรจัดส่งพัสดุ (Parcel Shop) ของ Kerry บนสถำนีรถไฟฟ้ำบีทีเอส ท ำให้เรำสำมำรถให้บริกำร O2O ecosystem ผ่ำนแพลตฟอร์มกำรขนส่งพัสดุที่ดีที่สุดในประทศไทย ได้อย่ำง
มำกกว่ำ 500,000 ชิ้น และกำรให้บริกำร โฆษณำบนรถขนส่งพัสดุของ Kerry จ ำนวนกว่ำ 400 คัน นอกจำกนี้ VGI และ Kerry ยังคงขยำยกำรจุดให้บริกำรจัดส่งพัสดุผ่ำนกำร เปิดตัวร้ำนให้บริกำรจัดส่งพัสดุ (Parcel Shop) บน
International member shop in various country. 3.6 Mobile Payment Service is a service for stores that would like to service for bill payment by using QR Code via e-Wallet in nationwide. 4. Other Services 4.1 Cash
International member shop in various country. 3.6 Mobile Payment Service is a service for stores that would like to service for bill payment by using QR Code via e-Wallet in nationwide. 4. Other Services 4.1 Cash
services payment including the bank has participated the UnionPay International, the customers can use the card at the ATM in aboard and UnionPay International member shop in various country. 4. Other
services payment including the bank has participated the UnionPay International, the customers can use the card at the ATM in aboard and UnionPay International member shop in various country. 4. Other
customers can use the card at the ATM in aboard and UnionPay International member shop in various country. LH Financial Group Public Company Limited Management Discussion and Analysis for the year ended 31