with the Cyber Crime Investigation Bureau.“The Royal Thai Police has appointed a special investigative task force, led by Police Major Thatchai Pitaneelaboot, Ph.D., Assistant Commissioner General, to
event, the SEC made a charitable donation to the "Pranangklao Hospital Foundation" to help underprivileged patients and promote medical research, at the NACC Office on 17 November 2023.
Mr. Pat Thamma Mr. Pat Thamma, director of P.T. Research Co., Ltd., operated derivatives business without license or registration with the SEC in violation of Section 16 of the Derivatives Act B.E
Pcl., and Mr. Kasin Suthammanas, CEO of FINNOMENA Mutual Fund Brokerage Securities Co., Ltd. The panel discussion was moderated by Dr. Charika Channuntapipat, Research Fellow, Business and Sustainable
risks by using qualitative and quantitative ESG research and internal risk management tools. • Then the risks are managed through the risk governance structure. https://am.jpmorgan.com/content/dam/jpm-am
Bangkok, August 17, 2015 ? The SEC urges shareholders of Gunkul Engineering Public Company Limited (GUNKUL) to study the information and exercise their voting rights on the investment in a solar
process to achieve that goal. SEC has proposed to hire a researcher to conduct a study on the legislations relating to audit firms and auditors supervision in foreign country which will be taken into
Bangkok, April 18, 2014 ? The SEC urged shareholders of GOLD and UV to carefully study information on valuation of GOLD?s assets in a proposed related party transaction at the upcoming shareholders
Bangkok, April 22, 2014 ? The SEC advised SUPER shareholders to study the company?s proposal to acquire shares of Pro Solar One Co., Ltd. ("ProOne") through its subsidiary before casting votes at the
Tail Dependence in REITs Returns Kridsda Nimmanunta NIDA Business School, Bangkok, Thailand Kanak Patel Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge, UK Abstract This study investigates the