risk management. 4. There should be an establishment of a compliance unit to supervise and monitor the operation that is independent from the management and other units. 5. Operation conducted with
intermediary , in order to monitor the compliance with this Notification by the intermediary . In this regard, the SEC Office shall determine such period according to the following scopes: (a) in case of urgent
, report or relevant document to the SEC Office within appropriate period, whether general or case-by-case basis without excessive burden to the intermediary, in order to monitor the compliance with this
, report or relevant document to the SEC Office within appropriate period, whether general or case-by-case basis without excessive burden to the intermediary, in order to monitor the compliance with this
ติดตามและทบทวนความเสี่ยง (risk monitor and review) ควรจัดให้มีกระบวนการติดตามและทบทวนความเสี่ยงด้าน IT โดยครอบคลุมการดำเนินการ ดังนี้ (1) การกำหนดผู้รับผิดชอบในการติดตามและทบทวนความเสี่ยง (2) การกำหนดดัชนี
for several persons who use services of such financial institutions or several levels through an omnibus account; (e) monitor the clients’ execution of transactions closely. While reviewing and revising
clients which open an account or make transactions with the intermediary for several persons who use services of such financial institutions or several levels through an omnibus account; (e) monitor the
clients which open an account or make transactions with the intermediary for several persons who use services of such financial institutions or several levels through an omnibus account; (e) monitor the
) having a recording system regarding trading information, especially information related to execution of trading transactions, to monitor and examine post-trading activities (audit trail); (e) having a work
-trade information; (d) having a recording system regarding trading information, especially information related to execution of trading transactions, to monitor and examine post- trading activities (audit