instruments type 1 is allowed to give advice to investors about capital market products without complex features and products with high risks or complexity of all types. Ex., investment units of mutual funds
investors about capital market products without complex features and products with high risks or complexity of all types. Ex., investment units of mutual funds for institutional investors or ultra-high net
instruments type 1 is allowed to give advice to investors about capital market products without complex features and products with high risks or complexity of all types, e.g., investment units of mutual
procedure for selling of high risk securities such as suitability test, key information disclosure and warning of the securities? high risks or complexity.? Mr. Vorapol added.
2,827.20 million baht, a decrease of 376.90 million baht compared to the same period of year 2018, which has sales revenue of 3,204.10 million baht or 11.76 % decrease due to the economic slowdown and high
unrated Credit rating International Credit Rating AA, A BBB BBB unrated 2. (Market Risk) 25% 3. (Exchange Rate Risk) 4. (High Issuer Concentration Risk) ≤10% 10-20 % 20-50 % 50-80
Credit rating International Credit Rating AA, A BBB BBB unrated 2. (Market Risk) 25% 3. (Exchange Rate Risk) 4. (High Issuer Concentration Risk) ≤10% 10-20 % 20-50 % 50-80 % >80% 5
Credit Rating AA, A BBB BBB unrated 2. (Market Risk) 25% 3. (Exchange Rate Risk) 4. (High Issuer Concentration Risk) ≤10% 10-20 % 20-50 % 50-80 % >80% 5. (High Sector Concentration
. KorChor. 9/2555 Re: Determination of Definitions of Institutional and High Net Worth Investors By virtue of Section 14 of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992) as amended by the Securities and
กองทุนรวมที่สามารถลงทุนในตราสารหนี้ที่มีความเสี่ยงสูง (high yield bonds) ต่อผู้ลงทุนที่มิใช่รายย่อย กับการปรับปรุงแนวทางการเสนอขายสินค้าให้เหมาะสมกับผู้ลงทุนแต่ละประเภท ข้อมูลทั่วไป ชื่อผู้ตอบ