. Provide information about the existence or possible creation of other securities and other indebtedness with seniority to the debt securities. If the rights of the debt securities holders will be
senior, as having priority, or otherwise limiting the rights of the debt securities holders to any payment on the debt securities. 2. Provide information about the existence or possible creation of other
existence, and that the material facts which should be disclosed have not been concealed. The language used for the initial submission of information or documentation to the SEC Office under this Notification
การท า Solar roof ใหก้บัผูใ้ชไ้ฟเพื่อลดตน้ทุนการผลิต การปรับปรุงดูแล Solar farm เพื่อใหไ้ดป้ระสิทธิภาพสูงสุดตลอดอายสุัญญา การน าความร้อนที่สูญเสียกลบัมาใช้ ผลิตไฟฟ้า การสร้างโรงไฟฟ้าจากวสัดุท่ีเหลือท้ิง
ทีบ่รษิทัฯ ลงทุนผ่าน Mount Emerald Wind Farm Pty Ltd บรษิทัยอ่ยทางออ้มทีบ่รษิทั ราช-ออสเตรเลยี คอรป์อเรชัน่ จาํกดั ถอืหุน้ ในสดัสว่นรอ้ยละ 100 ไดเ้ริม่เดนิเครือ่งเชงิพาณชิยแ์ละรบัรูร้ายไดต้ามสญัญาซือ้
Vietnam with total capacity of 677MW including the 420MW Dau Tieng project which is currently the largest solar farm in South East Asian by International Business Magazine. BGRIM was included in the
Limited Management Discussion and Analysis for the Second Quarter ended 30 June 2017 Page 4/22 improved consumer confidence and income of farm households. These drivers combined to support growth momentum
, supporting by the Chinese tourists reverted to the level of pre-illegitimate tour operator crackdown. Private consumption continually increased as supported by improved consumer confidence and income of farm
household purchasing power remained weak. Despite improvements of both farm and nonfarm income, households’ purchasing power is compressed by the high debt burden and the waning confidence regarding
power, as farm income continued to be constrained by low prices of agricultural products and nonfarm income remained lackluster. Moreover, high levels of household debt caused the generation of new loans