offered by the Government of each country to cushion the high losses as well as improving the cash flows. 3 Profit/(Loss) after Taxation and Minority Interests (“PATMI”)/(“LATMI”) 3.1 PATMI/LATMI for the 3
to the invested in Research & Development center in India and new factory in India and Thailand. Moreover, we will keep on investing in machinery and equipment for improving the capacity and efficiency
in machinery and equipment for improving the production capacity and efficiency aiming for a production automation in Thailand under the scheme of “Delta Smart Manufacturing”. Total Liabilities As of
gained some traction and increased by 2%. However, the consumption increased by 10% for 3rd Quarter 2020 when compared with the 2nd Quarter of 2020 reflecting the improving conditions. 4. Performance for
the fourth Quarter of 2019 Our key strategy is to maintain our market share in domestic market by improving our sales strategy and developing new products, which will complete our product offering in
of dessert cafés, which accounts for the largest share of revenue. The growth in sales of dessert cafés was mainly due to the improving COVID-19 situation, as a result more customers were eating-out
? Gender Equality 3Definitions provided by UNICEF and The World Bank. Social Inclusion The process of improving the terms and opportunities for people – who are disadvantaged because their identity – to take
has always emphasized on improving operations of securities companies in all aspects. We do realize that operations and services of securities companies must be on par with international standards. ASCO
Directors Association (IOD), Thai Listed Companies Association, and related organizations determine to drive and support the listed companies to constantly improving and aim to be a CG leader in the region
marketing campaign for boosting the total usage and temporally supporting expense to Company’s master agents in COVID-19 situation. Profits 1) Gross profit in 3Q2020 was Bt148.11mn, increasing 23.3% QoQ, as a