year 2019 To: Managing Director of the Stock Exchange of Thailand The Company would like to clarify the net profit for the 3rd quarter and 9-month periods of the year ending on 30th September 2019 had
Different Q1’2020 Q1’2019 Different Sales and service income 980 796 184 23% 780 653 127 19% Cost of sales and services (781) (645) (136) 21% (656) (537) (119) 22% Gross Profit 199 151 48 32% 124 116 8 7
or up by 4.11% and net profit of 1,248.47 million Baht, an increase of 202.25 million Baht or up by 19.33%. This was the result of our ability to control and manage expenses effectively, together with
Thailand According to T S Flour Mill Public Company Limited ("the Company"), the financial statements for Q1/2020 Ended on March 31, 2020. The company's financial statement showed net profit of 43.43 million
, EBITDA = Earnings before Interest, Tax, Depreciation & Amortization, EBIT = Earnings before Interest & Tax, NP = Net Profit after Tax, EPS = Net Earnings per Share Gross Profit (GP) The Corporate Group’s
) (%) 19.75% 17.67% 2.08% Remark: * Calculated based on the number of issued and paid-up ordinary shares deducted by the number of treasury share GP = Gross Profit, EBITDA = Earnings before Interest, Tax
Margin (%) 31.43 34.90 Operating Profit Margin (%) 2.47 4.13 Net Profit Margin (%) 1.20 3.05 Return on equity (%) 1.30 3.69 Basic earnings per Share Baht/Share 1.15 3.09 Efficiency Ratio Unit Jan – Dec
bill amount per patient. Operation : Consolidated Profit & Loss Statement 4Q 4Q % 12 mth 12 mth % Unit : THB million 2017 2016 change 2017 2016 change Revenue from non-social security 197.87 182.46 8
(6)% Fibers 59 46 55 8% 201 208 (3)% Feedstock 114 117 78 47% 410 177 132% Core EBIT 155 139 136 14% 551 374 47% Core Net Profit after Tax and NCI (US$ M) 110 95 84 31% 360 206 75% Core Net Profit
. 16% , respectively, comparing to 3Q2017 mainly from higher revenue from indirect export and selling live broilers to GFN, our joint venture. The consolidated gross profit was THB 705.91 million in