"NewsClear" 07/03/2022 08:13 To inform the BOD's meeting 2/22 :the acquisition of shares in NBC Next Vision Co., Ltd., disposal Nation Broadcasting Corporation Plc ("NBC")'s shares, Change the Company's name
Microsoft Word - 1_Company Account 3-%0@ˆ5"ˇ_@˙%5H"ˇA˙%_20211124 - kdraft V2.docx 1 Application for Registration / Change of Information in Company Account Date
Microsoft Word - 4_SEC account 3-%0@ˆ5"ˇ_@˙%5H"ˇA˙%_20211124 - kdraft V2.docx 1 Application for Registration / Change of Information in SEC Account Date: ……………………………….. Attn: Secretary-General The
▪ Climate change framework ▪ Packaging commitment 4 CARBON FOOTPRINT TIMELINE - Carbon Footprint Homepro Lamlukka - Carbon Footprint DC Center - Carbon Footprint All Stores - Carbon Neutral Homepro Lamlukka
banking business, directly and indirectly. In detail: 1. Cyber Security Risk Amid rapid technological change, Thai consumers have readily embraced the new tech trends. Obviously, economic activity
Q3-2022 Balance by Quarter Change Topic Q3-22 Q2-22 Q3-21 Q3-22 VS Q2-22 Q3-22 VS Q3-21 (Million Baht: MB) (MB) % (MB) % Total revenue 1,886.5 1,711.8 1,509.1 174.7 10.2 377.4 25.0 Total operating
on geography and activities The effects of climate change and climate-related risks occur on local, regional, and global scales with different implications for different businesses, products and
a significant drop in foreign tourist visitors and limit domestic travelers from country lockdown. Given the situation, the Company decided to temporarily close hotel operations and change its
a significant drop in foreign tourist visitors and limit domestic travelers from country lockdown. Given the situation, the Company decided to temporarily close hotel operations and change its
understand its opportunities and risks. Examples of such issues include the risks and opportunities posed by climate change, a company’s approach to managing intellectual and human capital, its capacity to