and values the corporate governance for running the business in term of economics, social and environment together with all stakeholders’ benefit in order to enable us as a world- class energy company
define expectations of behavior, how decisions are made and how the Enterprise holds itself and others accountable for their decisions and actions in accordance with its values, principles, and policies
company’s profile with competitors or other peers? 8. How does the board gauge ethics, values, conduct and culture in the company? Do non-financial metrics aid in that assessment to provide the board insight
state-owned enterprises, Airport Authority of Thailand PLC and MCOT PLC, which had offering values of 15,230 and 2,662 million baht respectively. In the bond market, the total offering of debt instruments
E_1 Legal_FA_2015_12_29-c A CCoorrppLL44..11hhiigg A Executive Summary Management Discussion and Analysis For the Quarter Ended June 30, 2017 The global economy in the second quarter of 2017 maintained its growth momentum. Similarly, Thailand’s major economic indicators continued to exhibit growth, as evidenced by brighter exports, government spending and private spending on certain items of durable goods. The Thai economy hence showed ongoing improvement from the first quarter. Nonetheless, the...
Best Retail Bank in Thailand from Alpha Southeast Asia magazine Thailand’s Top Corporate Brand Values 2018 from research of Faculty of Commerce and Accountancy, Chulalongkorn University for the second
-construction projects Only in case of high-value, time-consuming projects or assignments such as building or ship construction projects, disclose the values of the ongoing projects as of the most recent date
คุณค่าในองค์กร (values) • กระบวนการที่สนับสนุนให้เกิดการปฏิบัติตาม จรรยาบรรณธุรกิจเพื่อสร้างให้เกิดเป็นวัฒนธรรม องค์กร จรรยาบรรณธุรกิจ (ถ้าม)ี 6 นโยบายการก ากับดูแลกิจการ 59 กำรเปดิเผยนโยบำยกำรสรรหำกรรมกำร
method and selected projects having a contractual value more than THB 5 million. Therefore, projects having a contractual values less than THB 5 million, where as still material to the financial statements
difference of the recorded amounts from the expected values that would not call for further investigation. However, in several cases, the auditors either did not assess the reliability of such data or simply