proceeds from operation - Fund from IPO - 70.00 10.00 - 49.00 51.00 7.00 - 32.00 68.00 22.00 - - 30.00 54.00 98.00 Remark: *the Board of Director has approved to charge back interest at the rate of 2.00
) without charge. The exercise price is 1.15 Baht per share as following details in the preliminary details of the Warrants DIMRT – W2. (Enclosure No.3) The Board of Directors and/or Executive Committee and
) without charge. The exercise price is 1.15 Baht per share as following details in the preliminary details of the Warrants DIMRT – W2. (Enclosure No.3) The Board of Directors and/or Executive Committee and
delivery charge. 5. Cost of sales of pipes for the year 2019 was 88.15% of income. The cost per income rate decreased from the year 2018 which was 91.56 percent of income. The major reason was the cost of
operated trial run service in MRT Blue Line Extension without farebox charge as follows: - Wat Mangkon Station to Tha Phra Station on July 29, 2019 - Bang Phai Station to Bang Wa Station on August 24, 2019
(Baht) 2,625,000 6. Transaction Size The aforementioned is considered as financial assistance transaction which amount of the interest rate charge at 5.25% per annum over the loan contract for JMART is
งมูลคาทรัพยสินสุทธิ คาธรรมเนียมธนาคาร (Bank Charge) เปนจํานวนเงิน 18.29 บาท (หนวย : พันบาท) หรือคิดเปนรอยละ 0.003 ของมูลคาทรัพยสินสุทธิ คาซ้ือเช็ค (Cheque Expense) เปนจํานวนเงิน 0.92 บาท (หนวย
Annual management charge (AMC): เก็บจริง 0.75% Ongoing charge AMC included: เก็บจริง 0.83% เป็นข้อมลู ณ วนัท่ี 31 ธันวาคม 2564 คณุสามารถดขู้อมลูท่ีเป็นปัจจบุนัได้ท่ี ค่าธรรมเนียมท่ี
shareholder’s equity of the securities company. (3) not being incriminated or prosecuted under the criminal lawsuit by an authority in charge by law, and has no records on offences relating to unfair securities
shareholder’s equity of the securities company. (3) not being incriminated or prosecuted under the criminal lawsuit by an authority in charge by law, and has no records on offences relating to unfair securities