17,110,110.28 Defered interest expenses (1,738,338.69) (3,547,660.03) (154,691.88) (688,410.89) Present value of liabilities under financial leases agreement 26,498,032.01 48,403,067.71 6,050,398.99 16,421,699.39
assets which comprised by contract rights, inventories and fixed assets from UFAS (Thailand) Limited amount of 28.5 million Baht (exclusive of VAT). The objectives of acquisition are decreasing in
general characteristics of the transaction: Vanachai Woodsmith Company Limited (subsidiary) has a rental contract on building of Firstwood Company Limited - located at no. 2/1 Wongsawang Road, Wongsawang
Page 1 of 2 No. ACC6101/003 January 22, 2018 Subject: Approval to enter into Contract to buy and sell of Land To: President The Stock Exchange of Thailand According to the Board of Director’s Meeting
Page 1 of 2 No. ACC6101/003 January 22, 2018 Subject: Approval to enter into Contract to sell of Land (Revised) To: President The Stock Exchange of Thailand According to the Board of Director’s
Nittaya Na Songkhla (collectively the “Buyers”) and the execution of a share purchase agreement of SUTG, other arrangements, contracts and documents in connection with the disposal of investment in SUTG
and Miss Nittaya Na Songkhla (collectively the “Buyers”) and the execution of a share purchase agreement of SUTG, other arrangements, contracts and documents in connection with the disposal of
and Miss Nittaya Na Songkhla (collectively the “Buyers”) and the execution of a share purchase agreement of SUTG, other arrangements, contracts and documents in connection with the disposal of
and Miss Nittaya Na Songkhla (collectively the “Buyers”) and the execution of a share purchase agreement of SUTG, other arrangements, contracts and documents in connection with the disposal of
) การทำธุรกรรมขายหลักทรัพย์โดยยังไม่มีหลักทรัพย์นั้นอยู่ในครอบครอง (short sale) การทำธุรกรรมการซื้อโดยไม่มีสัญญาขายคืน (reverse repurchase agreement) การกู้ยืมเงิน หรือการทำธุรกรรมการขายโดยมีสัญญาซื้อคืน