ซึง่กำรรวมนัน้เกิดขึน้ในกิจกำรชว่งนอกฤดทูอ่งเที่ยว (Low Season) ค ำอธิบำยและวิเครำะห์ฐำนะทำงกำรเงินและผลกำรด ำเนินงำนประจ ำไตรมำส 1 ปี 2561 15 พฤษภำคม 2561 บริษัท ยู ซิตี ้จ ำกัด (มหำชน) ค ำอธิบำยและวิเค
Unearned income lower by 216.8 million baht as a consequence of lower advanced bookings after peak travel season. Other current liabilities amounting to 1,846.5 million baht, lower by 230.5 million baht
Unearned income lower by 216.8 million baht as a consequence of lower advanced bookings after peak travel season. Other current liabilities amounting to 1,846.5 million baht, lower by 230.5 million baht
quarter of 2018 continued to improve. Export performance remained strong, with 12.3 percent year-on-year expansion. Tourism also continued to perform well despite the end of the high season, as tourist
advanced bookings after peak travel season. Non-current liabilities Total non-current liabilities of the Company is 22,080.1 million baht, rose by 839.5 million baht from 31 December 2017, largely derived
Premier League, UEFA Champions League and La Liga in Philippines for the next season 2018/2019. Therefore, on March 8, 2018, the Company has paid the last installment of the capital investment in the amount
. Triple CH has been granted the right to broadcast Premier League, UEFA Champions League and La Liga in Philippines for the next season 2018/2019. Therefore, on March 8, 2018, the Company has paid the last
. Triple CH has been granted the right to broadcast Premier League, UEFA Champions League and La Liga in Philippines for the next season 2018/2019. Therefore, on March 8, 2018, the Company has paid the last
season and seasonal price decline of our key feedstock, butane, should further improve US MTBE demand and spreads in summer months. The demand for downstream markets of our HVA portfolio remained healthy
สวัสดิภาพเด็ก จ.ระยอง มาทัศนศึกษากรุงเทพมหานคร เป็นต้น 4. กิจกรรมชมรมฟุตบอล ร่วมกับชมรม E-sport & Board Game จัดกิจกรรม Fantasy Premier league season 2 และ 3 เป็นการแข่งขันแบบ online 5. การออกกำลังกายใน