shareholders to study the information thoroughly and exercise their rights to protect their own benefits. In addition, they should seek further clarifications from the company?s executives for insightful
enhancing flexibility and resilience in business operation as well as to discuss guidelines for supporting business operation. The meeting’s topics included (1) a study of securities business landscape to
unreasonable and thus the shareholders should not approve the share acquisition. SEC strongly advises that NEWS shareholders study the matter in detail, exercise the voting right to protect their own interest
. Investors can check the lists of commercial banks, securities companies and asset management companies that join this project as well as study the usage and features of the NDID system at
accounting period.Since corporate profit has impact on share price and investment decision, investors should study the information and potential impact thoroughly. Moreover, in case of significant transaction
CFA Institute มาบรรยายให้ความรู้ รวมถึงแลกเปลี่ยนมุมมองภาคปฏิบัติกับผู้แทนของนักวิเคราะห์การลงทุนและผู้แนะนำการลงทุน ผ่านการทำ workshop และ mini case study โดยมีผู้เข้าร่วมอบรมกว่า 200 ราย ซึ่งส่วน
13/02/2020 5.8926 0.9036 4.989 246002552002-1 HUMAN CAPITAL RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT COMPANY Disposition Stock 5.892 5.892 0 09/12/2019 5.892 5.892 0 246001961912-1 HUMAN BTS GROUP HOLDINGS PUBLIC
13/02/2020 5.8926 0.9036 4.989 246002552002-1 HUMAN CAPITAL RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT COMPANY Disposition Stock 5.892 5.892 0 09/12/2019 5.892 5.892 0 246001961912-1 HUMAN BTS GROUP HOLDINGS PUBLIC
Markets” โดยมีนางสาวรื่นวดี สุวรรณมงคล เลขาธิการ ก.ล.ต. กล่าวเปิดงานสัมมนา และได้รับเกียรติจากวิทยากรผู้เชี่ยวชาญจากต่างประเทศ ได้แก่ Mr. Donghyun Park, Principal Economist, Economic Research and Regional
Bangkok, November 19, 2014 - The SEC organized ?5th SEC Working Papers Forum?, presented two research papers addressing ?Behavioral Finance and Regulations Who won and Who lost?? The studies found