ตลาดรอง (organized market) สะท้อนมูลค่าหน่วยลงทุนของกองทุนรวมดังกล่าวที่คำนวณจากมูลค่าทรัพย์สินสุทธิของกองทุนรวมได้อย่างใกล้เคียงกัน ทั้งนี้ โดยการซื้อขายหน่วยลงทุนของกองทุนรวมอีทีเอฟและหลักทรัพย์ที่เป็น
หรือตราสารเทียบเท่าเงินฝากที่บุคคลที่เกี่ยวข้อง ซึ่งเป็นสถาบันการเงิน เป็นผู้ออกหรือคู่สัญญาเพื่อประโยชน์ในการบริหารสภาพคล่องของกองทุนนั้น (2) การทำธุรกรรมในตลาดรอง (organized market) ผ่านบุคคลที่
any benefits which increased the competitiveness. Including the bank has provided the reward for customers by organized the activities to maintain the customers base and well received by the customers
any benefits which increased the competitiveness. Including the bank has provided the reward for customers by organized the activities to maintain the customers base and well received by the customers
alongside the any benefits which increased the competitiveness. Including the bank has provided the reward for customers by organized the activities to maintain the customers base and well received by the
Magazine On June 24, 2019, BGRIM was awarded the Green Financing of the Year from The Asset Triple A Asia Infrastructure Awards 2019 organized by the Asset Magazine in Singapore for the successful issuance
alongside the any benefits which increased the competitiveness. Including the bank has provided the reward for customers by organized the activities to maintain the customers base and well received by the
which increased the competitiveness. Including the bank has provided the reward for customers by organized the activities to maintain the customers base and well received by the customers. LH Financial
which increased the competitiveness. Including the bank has provided the reward for customers by organized the activities to maintain the customers base and well received by the customers. LH Financial
which increased the competitiveness. Including the bank has provided the reward for customers by organized the activities to maintain the customers base and well received by the customers. LH Financial