towards Sustainable Growth of Thailand" by Dr. Kobsak Pootrakool, Chairman of the Federation of Thai Capital Market Organizations (FETCO), Dr. Pakorn Peetathawatchai, President of the Stock Exchange of
create business growth and sustainable value.While the corporate governance practices adopted by Thai listed companies have undergone continuous developments with the focus on building investor confidence
transformations. Simultaneously, digital platforms and 5G solutions are also in high demand as they are crucial in optimizing efficiency, security, and real-time operational process agility. Mobile business resumed
developed with ThaiBMA to encourage investment in the capital market. Bond Supermart will function as a user-friendly one stop information site for retail investors? access to prices and trading contact
characteristics of personnel in the capital market business as well as major shareholder of securities company and derivatives business operator. SEC places a crucial importance on operating business and
objective of inviting all sectors in the capital market to declare the intention to operate with social and environmental responsibility in line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs
to their beneficiaries and clients, and thereby also help support the positive economic performance of companies and the broad markets in which they invest, helping foster sustainable growth and job
SUSTAINABLE VALUE FOR LIFE. เปน็ผู้น ำด้ำนโครงสร้ำงพืน้ฐำนระบบเทคโนโลยดีิจทิลั ที่เชือ่มโยงผูค้น องคก์รเศรษฐกจิ สังคมเขำ้ด้วยกนั และร่วมกนัสรำ้งคณุคำ่ทีแ่ทจ้รงิของชวีติ ABOUT TRUE TRUE GROUP’S BUSINESS
companies, needs to be ready to facilitate fund raising and investments to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030 and net-zero emissions by 2065. We are delighted to continue this strong
gains. Such measures can include, for example, an inquiry on a company director's exploitation of inside information.The I Code adoption will help to create sustainable values of the invested enterprises