an innovative and alternative channel to access the Bank financial planning and investment services. The consolidated net profit for 1Q18 totaled Baht 1,513 million, an increase of 16.0% from Baht
alternative, renewable energy sources. Phase out, in collaboration with stakeholders including investee com- panies and affected communities, all unabated fossil fuels by ensuring: Support real economy
issued per share, to specific investor (Private Placement), at the offering price of 4.00 THB per share, totaling to 220,000,000 220,000,000 THB as an alternative to the cash payment (the Company will pay
issued per share, to specific investor (Private Placement), at the offering price of 4.00 THB per share, totaling to 220,000,000 220,000,000 THB as an alternative to the cash payment (the Company will pay
220,000,000 220,000,000 THB as an alternative to the cash payment (the Company will pay the cash approximately Upon the completion of the increase of the Company’s registered capital, total Company’s total paid
: International standards on Auditing iSQC: International standard on Quality control KPi: key performance indicators mAi: market for Alternative Investment md: managing director; in practice, ceo is generally used
shares is an alternative fundraising method which can accommodate the Company's business expansion. The proceeds received from the offering of newly issued shares can be used for business expansion, secure
company will receive from the capital increase and share allotment An increase of capital by issuing new shares is an alternative fundraising method which can accommodate the Company's business expansion
company will receive from the capital increase and share allotment An increase of capital by issuing new shares is an alternative fundraising method which can accommodate the Company's business expansion
alternative tool for our customers in their asset management and transfer to successors. Popular among international private banks, this type of product guarantees the full amount of savings upon maturity plus