during the course of business undertaking shall be taken into account in making risk appraisal; (3) measures for prevention of inside information leaking between work units and personnel of a securities
company. All types of risks which may occur during the course of business undertaking shall be taken into account in making risk appraisal; (3) measures for prevention of inside information leaking between
company. All types of risks which may occur during the course of business undertaking shall be taken into account in making risk appraisal; (3) measures for prevention of inside information leaking between
presentation should be taken as forecasts or promises nor should they be taken as implying any indication, assurance or guarantee that the assumptions on which such future projections, expectations, estimates or
Quarter of 2020, as follows: The Group’s Operation under the Epidemic Situation of Coronavirus 2019 Due to the global epidemic situation of Coronavirus 2019 (‘COVID-19’) and the countermeasures taken by the
situation on Covid 19. Including measures that the company has taken to reduce the impact and Looking Forward According to the current situation of Covid 19. Company as a holding company which invest in
epidemic situation of Coronavirus 2019 (‘COVID-19’) and the countermeasures taken by the government such as travel restrictions and the closure of venues considered high-risk areas including department
application with the SEC Office, provided that the action taken hereto shall base upon the commission of the following offences: (a) an offence regarding dishonest acts in relation to accounting professions or
or client interests as their primary obligation. Institutional investors should have a governance structure that provides for the interests of beneficiaries properly and fully to be taken into account
Office to suspend functioning as lead appraiser or being under the period of time that the SEC Office could refuse to accept the application; (7) having passed the test of competence or taken professional