business sustainability. In addition, the Company makes the best effort to carefully manage business to protect shareholder’s long-term benefit amidst challenging times. The Company initiate “Central’s
, tenants, and customers to maintain business sustainability. In addition, the Company makes the best effort to carefully manage business to protect shareholder’s long-term benefit amidst challenging times
to carefully manage business to protect shareholder’s long-term benefit amidst challenging times. Although the current situation has recently improved and the shopping centers, the Company’s core
can be challenging, and developing strategies to reduce impact risk over time. 2.2.2 The Enterprise estimates the depth, scale and efficiency of its expected contribution to the outcomes identified in
. Credible and verifiable measurement of non-financial business reporting is vital. However, the development of valid metrics is challenging due to a variety of factors including the measurement of intangibles
สื่อสาร มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล อาชีพ/ประสบการณ์: ปี 2556 – ปัจจุบนั กรรมการ และถือหุ้น ร้อยละ 95 (นับรวม คู่สมรส) บริษัท พารากอนอกรีเทค จ ากัด ประเภทธุรกิจ: ซื้อขายน้ ามันปาล์มดิบชนิด A (Crude Palm Oil type A
service in oil and gas sector totaling of 2,472.34 Million Baht. Also the Group has awarded new project during January – February 2019 amounting to 43.81 Million Baht. 2. Cost of construction contracts The
Structural Mechanical Piping Electrical & Instrument service (SMP E&I) and Civil construction service. As at 31 March 2019, the Group has backlog for construction service in oil and gas sector totaling of
perform construction service by being sub-contactor from the main contractors. As at 31 March 2019, the Group has backlog for construction service in oil and gas sector totaling of 2,133.33 Million Baht. 2
Fabrication and Other Services. As at 30 June 2019, the Group has backlog for construction service in oil and gas sector totaling of 1,814.43 Million Baht. On 18 July 2019, the Company also notify the project