Credit term and collection period The normal credit term granted by the Company ranges from 14 days to 120 days depending on the type of provided service and clients. For consumer business mainly mobile
for sustainability of businesses and society as a whole which are a part of normal business operation; 10.2 additional practice guideline concerning prevention of involvement in corruption activities
ทะเบยีนในกรณีปกตติำมสว่นที ่1 หมวด 2 ภำค 2 ของประกำศคณะกรรมกำรก ำกับตลำดทนุ ว่ำดว้ยกำรขออนุญำตและกำรอนุญำตใหเ้สนอขำยหุน้ทีอ่อกใหม ่(SPO เกณฑ ์ normal track) ผูย้ืน่ค ำขอจะไดร้ับอนุญำตใหเ้สนอขำยหุน้ทีอ่
เป็นสิง่ส ำคัญในกำรรับมอื สถำนกำรณ์ COVID-19 “เซน็ทรัล สะอำด มั่นใจ” จะ น ำร่องกำรใชช้วีติของทุกคน ในศนูยก์ำรคำ้สูค่วำมเป็น New Normal แนวโนม้ผลการด าเนนิงานปี 2563 จำกสถำนกำรณ์กำรแพร่ระบำดโรค COVID-19
not join and vote for this agenda. Opinion of the Board of director and Audit Committee The connected transactions of the Company are reasonable in the normal course of business due to all transactions
, the EOEG facility enjoyed better margin and normal volume following a planned turnaround for catalyst change in 2Q17. There was minor impact of Hurricane Harvey leading to short-term shutdown of EOEG
normal business operation (excluding profits from debt restructuring and other incomes) and cashflow from operation in a very low amount compared to total debts. There would also have potential actions to
3rd party products for distribution are lower and gross profit margins for each of 3rd party products for distribution are typically varied as the normal business terms and conditions of trading
not join and vote for this agenda. Opinion of the Board of director and Audit Committee The connected transactions of the Company are reasonable in the normal course of business due to all transactions
. Net Profits from Normal Operation Criteria Cannot be calculated since the net profit of the Company is negative. 3. Total Value of Consideration Criteria Enclosure Page 4 Total Value of Consideration