premises and equipment expenses and other expenses, which mainly from expenses for developing working systems and improving efficiency of business operations, and marketing expenses. In the first half of
declined by Baht 207 million. Compared with the second quarter of 2017, operating expenses increased by Baht 530 million or 4.1 percent. Other expenses increased by Baht 326 million partly from marketing
ตอ่เนือ่งที ่6.3% จากการใชก้ลยทุธก์าร น าเสนอความหลากหลายของตราสนิคา้ (Multi-Brand Strategy) และกลยุทธก์ารตลาดทีมุ่่งเนน้ตอบสนองความตอ้งการของลูกคา้เป็น ส าคัญ (Consumer-Centric Marketing Strategy) ท าใหบ้ริ
expenses totaled Baht 6,649 million, declining by 2.7% comparing to the first nine months of 2019 mainly from the decrease in premises and equipment expenses and marketing expenses. Cost-to-income ratio for
previous quarter, due to seasonality of expenses. Compared with the second quarter of 2019, operating expenses declined due to fewer marketing activities. In the first half of 2020, the Bank’s operating
negotiations with financial institutions, setting commercial policies and conditions suitable for the Company to help improve the production efficiency, and seeking new marketing channels, which will be of
negotiations with financial institutions, setting commercial policies and conditions suitable for the Company to help improve the production efficiency, and seeking new marketing channels, which will be of
improve the production efficiency, and seeking new marketing channels, which will be of utmost benefit to the shareholders, trade partners, employees, and all stakeholders of the Company. In this regard
, indenture contract or official bond statement. In some jurisdictions this also includes marketing materials for the deal. Update Report: A document prepared by the issuer that confirms the ongoing conformance
ไดแ้ก่ FKR Marketing Sdn. Bhd.(“FKRM”) และ GCB Trading Sdn.Bhd. (“GCB”) บริษทัในสัดส่วนร้อยละ 100.00 ของหุ้นทีออกและชาํระแลว้ทังหมด จากทาง ”) ในฐานะผูข้ายเงินลงทุนโดยมีราคาซือขายคิดเป็นจาํนวนเงินทังสิน บาท