, the Group had cash from long-term loans of Bt1,130 million and cash received from the sale of FPT's shares of Bt690.3 million. 2.1.2 Property, leasehold improvement and equipment as of June 30, 2017 was
financing activities was of Bt1,206.2 million, increased by Bt2,165.6 million or 225.7%. As during the nine months of 2017, the Group repaid long-term loans of Bt376.7 million and paid dividend of Bt808.7
especially in real estate sector. On economic stability, inflation has slowed down due to the decrease in retail petroleum prices. 3. WATER SITUATION As of 26 July 2019, the water supply situation in Chonburi
declining since the beginning of 2020. The decline represented the fact that tenants at Suntower of which business is impacted by trade war such as petroleum and airlines and tenants at Metropolis who are SME
clearly aligned with low carbon transport. This is largely due to a number of rail issuers, usually large state-backed rail entities, which have a long history of using bonds to raise finance. Auto
June 30, 2017). After computation of the foregoing with the transaction size of the Company’s other acquisition transactions within the past 6 months, i.e. the investment in the long-term lease of an
Company’s other acquisition transactions within the past six months, i.e. the investment in the long-term lease of an office building in London, the United Kingdom, which was approved by the Board of
increasing demand for business credit, especially from large corporates in the food and beverage, petroleum and transportation sectors, as well as from small and medium sized businesses in food and beverage
เหลือจากกระบวนการกลัน่ (Petroleum Pitch) เป็นเช้ือเพลิง ร่วมกบัการใช้ เทคโนโลยีท่ีเหมาะสมในการบริหารจดัการ By-Products ท่ีแตกต่างจากโรงไฟฟ้าทัว่ไปท่ีค านึงถึง สังคมและส่ิงแวดลอ้ม ซ่ึงท าให้การผลิตไฟฟ้า
Management Discussion & Analysis ค ำอธิบำยและกำรวิเครำะห์ของฝ่ำยจดักำร (MD&A) ไตรมำสที่ 4/2561 และปี 2561 เหตุกำรณ์ส ำคัญในไตรมำสที่ 4 ปี 2561 Petroleum Pitch โดยระหว่างการก่อสร้าง GPSC จะช าระเงินล่วงหน้าจ า