set up and manage mutual funds. SEC has developed a system and revise the regulations for submission to set up and manage mutual funds with a filing via electronics system: the Online Fund Approval and
, SEC has developed, reviewed, and revised regulations on the operation of investment management business covering the management of mutual fund from launching to termination, by doing as follows
sustainable development of the respective capital markets. In the initial phase, the SEC has developed Additional Guidance for disclosing sustainability information for Hong Kong's ESG Funds, intending to
financial instruments and put in place effective regulations to ensure compliance, fairness, and prevent exploitation of stakeholders. As the market became more developed, new products were introduced and
can easily analyze and compare their financial statements with those of companies in developed countries. However, both organizations viewed that it is necessary to allow exemption from the IFRS in some
possibility of increasing number of independent directors. In some other developed countries, 50% of the board of directors are required to be independent. As for listed companies? directors to understand
% Variance ล้ำนบำท % ล้ำนบำท % ต้นทุนขายและบริการ 5,291.4 85.2 4,374.7 82.5 916.7 21.0 10,868.2 85.5 9,159.4 83.4 1,708.8 18.7 ค่าใช้จ่ายในการขาย 450.4 7.2 495.0 9.3 (44.6) (9.0) 950.5 7.5 981.3 8.9 (30.8
% Variance ลานบาท % ลานบาท % ตนทุนขายและบริการ 5,633.1 82.9 4,706.6 83.6 926.5 19.7 16,501.3 84.9 13,866.0 83.5 2,635.3 19.0 คาใชจายในการขาย 608.7 9.0 502.6 8.9 106.1 21.1 1,559.2 8.0 1,483.9 8.9 75.3
ขำยและบริหำรเป็นหลัก โดยมีรำยละเอียด ดังนี้ หน่วย : ล้ำนบำท มกรำคม-ธันวำคม 2560 % 2559 % Variance ล้ำนบำท % ต้นทุนขำยและบริกำร 22,092.1 84.5 19,082.9 83.3 3,009.2 15.8 ค่ำใช้จ่ำยในกำรขำย 2,082.2 8.0
นขำยและบริกำร ค่ำใช้จ่ำยในกำรขำยและบริหำรเป็นหลัก โดยมีรำยละเอียด ดงันี ้ หนว่ย : ล้ำนบำท มกรำคม-ธันวำคม 2561 % 2560 % Variance ล้ำนบำท % ต้นทนุขำยและบริกำร 22,339.5 84.3 22,092.1 84.5 247.4 1.1 คำ่ใช้