profit (loss) attributable to equity holders 562 402 159 39.6% Net profit (loss) attributable to equity holders Margin (%) 6.9% 5.9% 0.9% Net profit (loss) attributable to equity holders (Exclude Gain
Project), with revenue from sales. - Real estate development business expected to occurred in that quarter. In addition, the company realizes profit from buying these two businesses since the purchase price
). 5) Company record profit sharing in joint-venture by equity method of Baht 1.34 million decrease from last year by Baht 1.32 million (2019 : gain amounting of Baht 2.66 million). 15th Floor, Regent
109.25% Income tax expenses (revenues) 2.37 4.83 -2.46 -50.96% Profit for the year 305.26 142.19 163.07 114.69% Unrealized gain on revaluation of investment held as available-for-sale 1.26 - 1.26 100
(0.07) (0.01) (0,06) 1032.86 (0.07) (0.01) (0.06) 1032.86 Total Expenses (34.e2) (34.41) (0.51) 1.49 (35.08) (34.46) (0.62) 1.79 Profit before share loss ftom investrnent in joint venture and inclme tax
realized income of non-performing loans and expected credit losses. 2) Reclassification of investments and fair value from unrealized gain (loss) on investments are part of “profit (loss) from financial
(44.6) (18.2) 26.5 (59.3) Non-Controlling Interests (685.0) (0.0) 685.0 (100.0) Profit attributable to Owners of the Parent 369.5 1,980.9 1,611.4 436.1 Foreign Exchange Gain (Loss) 6.2 574.3 568.2 9,224.6
for a reason of increasing in gain from exchange rate. 1.2 Cost of goods sold and expenses Consolidated (Thousands Baht) 1st Quarter Change 2019 2018 Amount % Cost of goods sold -453,166 -244,141
amount included by the exchange gain of Baht 1.12 million, resulted in the record of the net profit of the Company and its subsidiary for the first quarter of the year 2018 of Baht 4.68 million, decreasing
its subsidiary for the third quarter of the year 2018 was Baht 5.51 million; this amount included by the exchange gain of Baht 0.58 million, resulted in the record of the net profit of the Company and