the same period last year, respectively. Meanwhile, private consumption increased gradually, as a recovery in purchasing power remained tepid. Private investment has shown signs of improvement
facility in China and Fibers facility in Indonesia in 3Q17. Margins in Asia for PET have shown signs of improvement (ne- gated by IPA cost increase) due to tightness of product in the west, mainly starting
, domestic demand would be restrained by elevated household debt, some signs of moderation in earnings and employment in the export-related manufacturing sector, as well as public spending and public
, domestic demand would be restrained by elevated household debt, some signs of moderation in earnings and employment in the export-related manufacturing sector, as well as public spending and public
considered key performance indicators used by operators in the same industry, in the amount of Baht 19,732.20 million, increased by Baht 3,163.1 million or 16.03% from the previous year while the Net Profit
: Activities that are currently not compatible with net-zero trajectory and are not going to become compatible anytime soon and do not meet the criteria and indicators for green or amber activity. 12 Out of
● Provide evidence and documentation to demonstrate that they meet low iLUC risk biomass criteria and compliance indicators under the RSB optional module, i.e.: - Yield increase: issuers demonstrate that
ให้มีการใช้ตัวชี้วัดผลการด าเนินการเชิงคุณภาพ (qualitative performance indicators) และ ในกรณีที่สามารถกระท าได้) ตัววัดผลการด าเนินการเชิงปริมาณ (quantitative performance measures) ตัวอย่างเช่นจ านวนผู้
baseline 1) Selection of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Definition and methodology of KPIs • Tesco’s Sustainability-Linked Bond Framework includes a single KPI: the Group’s organization-wide Scope 1 and
to be in the enterprise’s acceptable range (risk appetite); (4) establishment of IT risk indicators for risks identified under (1) and arrangement of monitoring and reports of such indicators for