roles in line with sustainable development roadmap. The seminar allowed sharing of experiences and expertise from members of listed companies? audit committees having achieved a goal of organizational
enhance cooperation in information sharing and expand opportunities for cross-border capital market activities.The MOU aims to strengthen relationship and promote collaboration between the two organizations
profit sharing 180,015 275,156 (95,141) (34.6) Other operating income 75,658 96,520 (20,862) (21.6) Total operating income 4,440,874 4,338,567 102,307 2.4 Other operating expenses Employee's expenses
Group The Group has principally engaged in distribution of product and equipment, design, assembly and installation, and maintenance service of pure water treatment system; including operate clinical
reduce costs efficiently by sharing resources in the group, integration of distribution channels that reach consumers with the operating channels of the group, including the use of technology in the
principally engaged in distribution of product and equipment, design, assembly and installation, and maintenance service of pure water treatment system; including operate clinical business which dialysis
of the Group The Group has principally engaged in distribution of product and equipment, design, assembly and installation, and maintenance service of pure water treatment system; including operate
Group The Group has principally engaged in distribution of product and equipment, design, assembly and installation, and maintenance service of pure water treatment system; including operate clinical
บริการ และเคร่ืองหมายการค้า “วุฒิศกัด์ิ คลีนิก” ซึง่จะมีการปันสว่นรายได้ (Revenue Sharing) ดงันี ้ กำรปันส่วนรำยได้ (Revenue Sharing) รำยได้ของ HHC จำกกำรประกอบธุรกิจให้บริกำรทำงกำรแพทย์เพื่อสุขภำพและควำม
ผิวหน้า รวมทัง้การจ าหนา่ยสนิค้าที่เก่ียวข้องภายใต้ช่ือทางการค้า เคร่ืองหมายบริการ และเคร่ืองหมายการค้า “วุฒิศกัด์ิ คลีนิก” ซึง่จะมีการปันสว่นรายได้ (Revenue Sharing) ดงันี ้ การปันส่วนรายได้ (Revenue