Licensees shall pay the fees within the 31st day of January of the following year. In case of termination of business or revocation of license, the licensees shall pay the unpaid fee or the remaining fee
remaining interests fees. IV Income tax expenses In the period for 6 months ended June 30, 2016 and 2017, accumulated amount of 43.3 million baht and 114.0 million baht respectively, or 4.24% and 5.55% from
September 2017, which the company repaid the loan from financial institutions to reduce some financial costs. The remaining will be in cash and cash equivalents. Total Liabilities Total liabilities as of 31
taken including to sign agreements or relevant documents in order that the asset disposal and mortgage to WHART Trust are successful. 5. Assets remaining after Asset Disposal to WHART Trust After the
taken including to sign agreements or relevant documents in order that the asset disposal and mortgage to WHART Trust are successful. 5. Assets remaining after Asset Disposal to WHART Trust After the
the event the remaining period up to the end of the calendar year for operation of the licensed business in the first year is shorter than six months, the licensee shall pay such fees at one half of the
event the remaining period up to the end of the calendar year for operation of the licensed business in the first year is shorter than six months, the licensee shall pay such fees at one half of the rates
event the remaining period up to the end of the calendar year for operation of the licensed business in the first year is shorter than six months, the licensee shall pay such fees at one half of the rates
derivatives position remaining until the settlement date. 6. Risk from being unable to proceed with the order of futures trading of an investor for loss limitation The derivatives broker may be unable to
may lose from the derivatives position remaining until the settlement date. (Translation) 6. Risk from being unable to proceed with the order of futures trading of an investor for loss limitation The