No. ECF2 035/2562 23 September 2562 Subject Notification on the resolutions of the Board of Directors’ Meeting approving the purchase of the ordinary shares in KPN Academy Company Limited, the increase of registered capital, the issuance and the allocation of the newly-issued shares to specific persons (Private Placement) and the convening of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2019 (additional) To Director and Manager The Stock Exchange of Thailand Enclosure 1. Information M...
No. ECF2 035/2562 23 September 2562 Subject Notification on the resolutions of the Board of Directors’ Meeting approving the purchase of the ordinary shares in KPN Academy Company Limited, the increase of registered capital, the issuance and the allocation of the newly-issued shares to specific persons (Private Placement) and the convening of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2019 (2nd additional) To Director and Manager The Stock Exchange of Thailand Enclosure 1. Informati...
the collateral under the aforesaid settlement agreements, providing that such reverse value is lower than the appraised price of the collateral because it was made on a conservative basis, based on the
จดัการใชเปนหลักประกันในการกูยืมเงนิหรือตามธุรกรรมการขายโดยมี สัญญาซื้อคืน จะตองเปนไปตามหลักความระมัดระวัง (“conservative”) โดยบริษัทจดัการยังคงตองนํา หลักทรัพยมารวมคํานวณในอัตราสวนการลงทุนในหลกัทรัพย
การคาํนวณทุกกรณีโดยไม่ตอ้งพิจารณา notional value เหตุผล ควรใชว้ธีิการคาํนวณ commitment approach ตามแนว UCITS ซึ1 งยดึหลกั conservative กล่าวคือ กรณี market value นอ้ยกวา่ notional value ใหน้บั
(conservative) กวา่สมมติฐานท่ีใชใ้นรายงานประเมิน ใหส้ามารถ ใชส้มมติฐานท่ีอนุรักษนิ์ยมกวา่ในการประมาณการผลตอบแทนได ้ (3) มีการระบุขอ้มูลเก่ียวกบัการวเิคราะห์ความไวต่อการเปล่ียนแปลง (sensitivity analysis) ท่ีผา่
aside an appropriate level of expected credit losses in accordance with its conservative business management approach across business cycle. In terms of capital and liquidity, as of June 30, 2020, the
leverage ratio implies that these stocks is conservative with average ratio at 1.12. Return on asset and return on equity are average above 7.5% while average ROA and ROE of total SET is only 4% (SET Fact
across broader range of businesses and wider geographical areas. Meanwhile, consumer loans expanded in all purposes, particularly auto loans. However, commercial banks remained cautious in lending as their
during the end of 2017 due to the Government Procurement and Supplies Management Act B.E. 2560 that is more stringent and resulted in government agencies becoming more cautious in spending. For domestic