information: (1) personal information of the client or beneficial owner and information of their representative (if any); (2) information pertaining to ability to repayment and the source of income used for
information: (1) personal information of the client or beneficial owner and information of their representative (if any); (2) information pertaining to ability to repayment and the source of income used for
information: (1) personal information of the client or beneficial owner and information of their representative (if any); (2) information pertaining to ability to repayment and the source of income used for
disclosed, the holders of the securities who have purchased the securities within one year from the effective date of the Registration Statement are entitled to claim damages from the issuer or the owner of
a representative of the owner of the products and services to deal and negotiate regarding advertising media. Since the agencies play an important role in this business, this could make the Company at
approval and disclose (both before concluding the transaction and in the company’s annual report): a) the identity of the ultimate beneficiaries including, any controlling owner and any party affiliated with
being the legal owner of these assets; in order to reflect the underlying reality of their beneficial ownership, custodians will often need to provide additional transparency or indeed direct assistance
0.15 Land or buildings used for the purpose of residential (owner is not a resident) 0.30 Land or buildings used for other purposes 1.20 Unused land or buildings 1.20 The rates set forth above represent
advertising service provider to the owner of the advertising media in Thailand and service provider for the construction, sourcing, installation and maintenance of the advertising media only. The Company will
transaction are completed, the Company will adjust of its business operation policy from the out of home media advertising service provider to the owner of the advertising media in Thailand and service provider